It’s yer money I’m after

Sometime you just have to put one in the bank.  Yes I rode yesterday.  Yes I have a sportive tomorrow.  But I was offered the chance of a ride today, and, as I put it when asked: coffee is good, company is good, forecast is good, gym is boring…  I might have ridden better today if I hadn’t ridden yesterday.  I might ride better tomorrow if I hadn’t ridden today.  But then I wouldn’t have had the fun I had today.  Yes.  Sometime you just have to put one in the bank :).

Cycling time: 1:49:18 hrs
Distance: 32.40 miles.
Avs: 17.7 mph
ODO: 10848 miles

In case you were wondering, GB and I went to Fairyland, which lived up to its reputation as ever.  Today’s highlights are brought to you by the witch who was 5 days too late, the lady rocking a great deal of voluminous pink to go with her dreads, and the guy on a vintage Kona fixie with a fabulous “Suck my cog” sticker on it, who engaged us in conversation for rather longer than was entirely comfortable.  The coffee was as good as ever, and just as well since it was cold when we got going again and I needed the kick to sprint for a bit to warm up!  Having cycled over there rather faster than either of us had realised, we attempted to take it a little easier on the way back.  GB did his best to rein me in in consideration of tomorrow’s event, and, in a once in a blue moon, please take note, it does happen occasionally, deviation from the norm, I actually did what I was told, and sat on his back wheel for most of the way home.  Which was not quite as much fun as sitting on the wheels of the apple laden tractor that overtook us on the way out of Wedmore.  Now that was wheel sucking big stylee *grin*.  Given that it’s usually a trade off between aroma and advantage, the apples made a nice change :).  Sadly it couldn’t last, he turned right, and left us to not sprint down the usual straight and home.  Very restrained of us.  Practically unprecedented *grin*.

There you go.  That’s what riding is about.  Or should be.  It’s about enjoying it, about the company, the craic, the being out there.  And this was all of those things :).  This isn’t to say that it isn’t sometimes hard work.  But it isn’t work.  Other than in the sense that today was a good day at the office *grin*.

Since then I’ve been a good girl and drunk my recovery and eaten a rather lovely chocolate orange recovery bar.  Eldest has washed the bike again – man he’s useful! – so I just need to clean and oil the chain and check over a few things in preparation.  Oh, and faff around a lot getting my kit clean and dry, deciding what to wear, what to take, blah blah blah…which should take up the rest of the day nicely *grin*.