Ain’t no mountain high enough

I’ve just been sent a Marco Pantani quote that I think I’m going to take as my motto for the year:

“Io amo la montagna. Ma nel momento della fatica, ho dentro un grande odio. Cosi cerco di abbreviare la mia agonia.”

It kinda translates as “I love the mountains, but in that moment of exertion, I’m filled with deep hatred. So I try to shorten my suffering”.

As I see it, this essentially means that I need to go up them faster, right?  Although I might need some of what he was (allegedly) on 😉 *grin*.

And after his 3rd Tour de France victory, Lance Armstrong said ‎”Chasing records doesn’t keep me on my bike. Happiness does”.

See, I have more in common with my heroes than you’d think! 🙂

It’s a lovely quote.  Thank you for thinking of me and my goal for this year – that’s proper motivational :).

(Hubby says that with Lance and Marco behind me I’ll be fine…I’m thinking that’s only true if they’re both pushing me!  *grin*).