One day like this

To the mosquito(s) that last night decided that I was the most appetising thing since fried bacon, I will henceforth be squishing all possible suspects.  It is time to leave the building!  *itch*.

To the residents of Minehead who found it essential to have sofas & furniture delivered in very large lorries on the only day I want to get there and back along the one and only road there and back – *grrr*.  But hey, apparently patience is a virtue, and although that road can be so much more fun, maybe I was being saved from myself, and with loud music and sunshine and no real rush, it could have been worse.  I hope they, and you, are all now sitting comfortably.  Then I’ll begin

seaside view gaz hairpin

Why Minehead?  Well, since apparently the last time I did it was probably last year’s Tour of Wessex, which is more than a bit poor of me, it was time for what would could turn out to be my annual pilgrimage to Porlock Toll Road.  I really ought to do it more often…but life has a habit of getting in the way, n’est-ce-pas?  So, here we are, and off we go.  Time to visit Gaz, who is my guide around that end of the world.  Sometimes we do more hills, but hey, me and hills these days?  Nah.  I think not.  Today was not that day 😉

bottom toll top toll

Today, in unprecedented sunshine, we just rode out to Porlock, so that I could go up the still lovely Toll Road.  And then down the even lovelier main road back to Porlock, which I flew down, and once more came close to my goal…but came away with no cigar.  Climbing done, it was time for coffee at Kitnors in Bossington.  It be proper chocolate box pretty around there.  Cute cottages, and thatch, and flowers and…aw.   Though next time we’re going to go and have coffee at the Exmoor Owl & Hawk Centre – they had macaws in the garden and everything!   Who knew?  OK, so we had a very nice coffee break in the café’s garden, amongst more flowers, admiring sparrows, finches, thrushes, and even robins but hey – parrots?  Outclassed 😉

pretty stop resting bike

The journey home was flatter, which is always good, right?  And thanks to a trip around the seaside at Minehead on our way back, I am now feeling much fitter, healthier, and thinner.  By comparison to the grockles there anyway *grin*.  I’d have taken picturesque photos of the harbour, or the beach, but since we were busy enjoying feeling superior to the tourists, acting like one would have ruined the effect 😉

Cycling time: 1:49
Distance: 24.0 miles
Avg: 13.1 mph
ODO: 5490.8 miles

Whatever the stats may show, and hey statistics can say anything, what they can’t show you is the bigger picture.  Today I rode my bike, in the sunshine, got to see my mate, and to go to the beach.  From where I’m now sat, it’s looking like a beautiful day 🙂

awake but unimpressed

At the time, I thought I’d gone up the toll road at about the same speed as Gaz’s adorable pet 😉  But according to Strava it turns out I actually did pretty well for me; probably because I was trying to keep up with Gaz himself!  OK, it was fairly hard work, but it’s felt worse, and I wasn’t in bottom gear, so hey, I’m actually quite pleased with how it went.  Go me :).

And apropos of nothing, on my way back home, whilst stuck behind one of the aforementioned lorries, a “wide load” escort car passed in the opposite direction, shortly followed by a flat bed lorry carrying…guess who?


It would appear Thomas is due in Bishops Lydeard this weekend 🙂