Working for the weekend

tired me with Cassie

After some considerable effort, I managed to get all yesterday’s kit washed and dried by this morning.  Prêt à porter, as it were.  Which means that, despite a Guy induced ice scare, by the time George arrived I was ready to go.  Which would be prêt à partir.  Ooh, I’m so witty 😉

Was it a great ride?  Not really.  George was, as ever, indefatigable.  Keeping up with her whilst keeping up with the conversation was hard work.  All under grey skies, on mucky roads, and even if it wasn’t freezing, t’weren’t far off.  I don’t think I ever really warmed up properly, it was just too cold.  It was another ride that turned out to be a slog, even though it was ameliorated by company and chat.  About two thirds of the way through our longer than planned ride, I lost it completely, supposing I had it in the first place.  And yes, before you nag me, I had had breakfast.  Two rides in two days too much too soon maybe?  I think tomorrow may have to be a rest day.  Still, one more in the bank, right? 🙂

Cycling time: 2:04
Distance: 30.7 miles
Avg: 14.8 mph
ODO: 7590.8 miles

I’ve been convinced it’s Friday all day.  Which it quite clearly isn’t.  Back to never getting the hang of Thursdays presumably.  But since I’ve been for a ride, I’ve been to work, I’m still cold, I’m tired (as you can see), and I have nothing to do this evening other than watch TV with a Cassie hot water bottle and paint my nails (if she’ll let me), I have decided that, despite all evidence to the contrary, it is in fact Friday.  And therefore…

early Friday