Back in the saddle

I’ve not been out on the bike for far too long.  Half term and lousy weather have conspired to keep me in the gym.  Still exercise, but just not the same so…it was a huge relief to get out with the ACG this morning.  There were 5 of us today, relatively well matched.  We elected DM to choose the route, which inevitably means hills, and yes, that meant the Gorge.  Due to a brief exchange of emails prior to the ride, I was kinda expecting it though.  I only really sulk when people spring the Gorge on me *grin*.

When we set off, it was chilly but fairly bright, but that didn’t last long…here came the rain again.  A cold chilly Saturday morning, in the pouring rain, heading towards the Gorge…  Thoughts of a U-turn did briefly cross my mind but I was determined to get a ride in whatever.

I’m getting a bit blasé about the Gorge these days.  I mean, it’s never going to be fun precisely, but I do know I can do it, that I prefer to go up it than down it, and that after the final steep wiggle at the bottom the rest of it is just a sit down and plod job.  Unless the goats get in the way…but I’m guessing they were sheltering somewhere today, and who can blame then?

By the time we reached the top – slower in some cases than others (I’m very good at bringing up the rear) – the rain, which had cleared, came back again.  Definitely a showery day.  Luckily there’s been so much rain recently that the roads though wet are fairly clean, and are no longer greasy.  We headed off over the top, via Priddy, to the Rocky Mountain Café for coffee.  Sadly they had none of their very lovely carrot cake this time around 🙁  The assorted bacon based sandwiches that other folk had did look fab though…but I stuck to my coffee.  I can always over-compensate later 😉

I made a point of taking layers off in the café, in order to be able to put them on again when we headed out.  Nothing like putting on a nice heavy cold damp jacket…lovely.  Still, it worked, and for once I’d gotten my clothing choice right – longs, short layer, winter jacket, Buff to prevent ice-cream head, overshoes to protect the feet, and new winter gloves (which are going to take some getting used to).  I cycle even worse when I’m over-heating, and it feels immeasurably better when I get it right 🙂

We came back through Wells, along the Burcott Mill road, and across the Levels.  GB was off in the distance somewhere – clearly not suffering any aftereffects from last weekend’s Beast.  I spent most of my time quietly sitting at the back, enjoying being out, pushing to keep up but not so much as to be miserable.   Then it was up Mudgely Hill.  That man does like his hills…  Still, it’s one way to keep warm I suppose!    Then it was back down my fave road, with GB on my tail.  I made it 25mph for a little bit there, which was fun.  He left me for dust on the bypass though – which put me firmly back in my place *grin*

Cycling time: 2:40:33
Distance: 38.35 miles
Avs: 14.3 mph
ODO: 2598 miles

All in all, even with the chill, the rain and the wind, it was a really great ride.  I’m sure if there had been more rain, it would have been a different story but we were quite lucky really.  I’m all chilled again now 🙂

You can probably see GB’s take on it here later…be interesting to see how we differ *grin*.