Blowin’ in the Wind

Temperature in double figures.  Light Southerly breeze.  Sun shining.  At least that’s what the forecast said.  And to quote Meat Loaf – two out of three ain’t bad…  Inevitably, the odd one out was the wind.  Light breeze?  I think not…  Ah well, at least GW was on her shire-horse.  We did my normal loop and spent a happy couple of hours shooting the breeze whilst waiting for it to be behind us.  I’d like to say it made me go up Mudgeley Hill faster, but we all know I’d be lying…  It did make the last stretch a whole heap more enjoyable though.

We finished off our loop by taking the scenic route around the reservoir where the wind very nearly took me out as I cycled past a gap in the small wall…not nice!

Cycling time: 1:52:22
Distance: 28.01 miles
Avs: 14.9 mph
ODO: 3557 miles

It was a nice ride as these things go.  I must get the bike in for a service though as the gears are still playing up which is annoying.  The best thing is cycling in slightly fewer layers – today was the first day with the normal jacket and not the winter one.  Ooh, and I christened my new shoes too, which I got in the January sales, and very lovely they are too.  Possibly a bit of cleat tweaking required, but other than that, very comfortable, and very lovely.  I do like new shoes… 🙂