Don’t you forget about me

I am getting more than a little bored of riding on my own, and since I am home alone this week and thus more on my own than usual, I took myself off to my folks for a bit, to eat, sleep, and then ride with Dad and his group.  I think they officially call themselves the “Portishead Old-Timers” and I think it’s safe to say I was the youngest there…probably by a good 20 years and in several cases, quite a bit more.  It wasn’t the longest ride ever and, due to the nature of the beast, and the cycle paths used, and the chatting to be done, it may well have been more of a case of us being the “Portishead Potterers” (hey, I do love a bit of alliteration) but, you know what?  It was really, really nice.  The sun shone, mostly.  It didn’t rain even though it threatened to.  They made me feel very welcome.  It was (sorry guys!) very good for my somewhat battered cycling ego to be reminded that I’m not quite as slow and incapable as I tend to think I am, as I found it pretty easy going, and didn’t even object to the odd hill.  Just the kind of spin my legs probably needed.  And just occasionally l hit sprint mode, and hurtled off into the distance, just for the sheer joie-de-vivre hell of it.  Just because I could.  And I can 😀

Sadly since only my phone was in a trusty pOcpac on Sunday, both my camera and iPod shuffle have succumbed to the ravages of Ride London, so I was unable to take any photos.  That turns out to have been one bl**dy expensive weekend!  Here’s one I prepared earlier… 😉


I hope that when I’m that age I’m still riding my bike half as well as they do 🙂

Cycling time: 3:02
Distance: 40.2 miles
Avg: 13.2 mph
ODO: 6162.3 miles