Getting chilly now

I had meant to go out this morning, but a red-wine induced headache had left me a little less than motivated. Luckily it turned out that S was up for a ride this afternoon, otherwise I might not have got out at all.
I wrapped up warm as it was only about 2C and headed out at about 1pm. It’s nice going out with someone else because you get to go down new routes. New extremely muddy routes as it turned out. It hasn’t rained quite enough lately, which means the roads are covered with mud and dirt from tractors and livestock which doesn’t get washed away. It’s very slippy, clogs up your mudguards (which S has and I don’t) and generally slows you down a bit, so our average speed was actually pretty good all things considered.

Cycling time: 2:44:19
Distance: 40.266 miles
Avs: 14.7 mph
ODO: 7736.2 miles

S only dragged me up a couple of hills and I think I acquitted myself ok. He’s better at making me feel better about that than some. Mind you, this was merely a joy ride for him before a club ride tomorrow! We pootled around down to Edington, across to Shapwick, back across the Levels etc. By the time we were heading back it was starting to get dark, the wind was up and really cold, and I’d lost my feet completely. (Must get some decent socks and overshoes methinks). I came back via the reservoir to avoid the main road – I only have a rear light as I never go cycling at night. Even with the chill factor it was pretty enjoyable and I’m glad I got out. I was also very glad of a long hot shower to warm me up! I think my feet are just about mine again now 🙂