Good day sunshine

The sun is all very well – and it is lovely – but I do wish it would get a tad warmer to go with it.  Yet again today it was decidedly chilly on the bike – and it wasn’t until being well on the way home, with the sun much higher in the sky, that it hit a decent temperature.

Today’s ride was a pretty direct one.  Over to Portishead for coffee at my folks’ place and back.  GW’s idea – and a darned good one at that.  We got over to there at an average speed of 16.0mph, so we must have slowed down a tad on the way back as we wiggled around the back roads from Clapton, which probably just means we were chatting more 🙂

Cycling time: 2:35:17
Distance: 40.78 miles
Avs: 15.7 mph
ODO: 3981 miles

As ever, I had to work keep up with GW, but I don’t think I was finding it as hard as it sometimes is.  I blame the new tyres – they’re still indescribably better.  I’m really enjoying riding at the moment, it just feels good to be out there 🙂

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