Hello legs!

I did go out Thursday, in case you thought I’d been skiving, but the dodgy wires on my cycling computer found the incessant drizzle too much to cope with, and it only started working again on the way back home when it had dried out enough!  (I’ve fitted the new one now – a wireless Lidl bargain).  It was an unremarkable ride anyway – a quick trip over to Burnham and back with G.

So, on to today.  I’d been trying to find someone to cycle to Exeter with, as G had offered me a lift back from there…but no takers.  I decided I’d do a ride ’round here instead, take less time out of the family Sunday, and do a longer ride this week some time instead.

I awoke to bright sunshine which is always very motivational.  The little weather add-on that hubby has added to Firefox showed me that it was warm too, and the forecast was good.   I sat down on bikely and planned myself a seaside loop with several hills which came in at around 32 miles, which I figured would be about 2 1/2 hours.  And, in a mad leap of faith…out came the shorts!  Hello Legs!  Yes – for the first time this season, it was time for shorts.  Shorts, summer gloves…it gets better all the time 🙂

Cycling time: 2:01:25
Distance: 31.309 miles
Avs: 15.5 mph
ODO: 8909.4 miles

I had a blinding ride.  First off, up the long haul to Shipham.  Through Rowberrow, and down to Churchill.  Round the back to Puxton, wiggling around the country side to go up the very steep hill at Kewstoke.  On to the seaside at Weston, where the smell of late full breakfasts mingled with that of chips and warm candy floss under clear blue skies, and people were all promenading.

Through Uphill and up and over the main road, and up and up to Bleadon Village.  Which was hideous last time I did it, and was oddly not this time.  Maybe I’m getting better at this?  The views up there are also stunning – well worth the climb.  Down into Bleadon again, and back up to go along to Loxton, and come home over the final hills past the Webbington.  More stunning views, if a little hazy, across the levels.  As I came into Cross, with the sun on my back and the wind in my hair (poetic license!), Faith No More started singing “Easy…” on the mp3.  Definitely a moment 🙂

Considering the hills, I am proper impressed with my average speed.  My expected 2 1/2 hours turned into 2!  I did feel like I was flying along – blame the Torq, the hours in the gym, or heck, just the sunshine 🙂  Yep – another great ride.