I have a Gumbie cat in mind


It’s been a bit of a non-standard week.  After walking, up Snowdon on Saturday, it took three days before my legs were even close to working properly again.  Yes, I said walking.  It’s not always about the bike, remember?  😉  However apparently walking up mountains does not use the same muscles as riding up them, though it takes me nearly as long!  As a result I spent three days hobbling around like I’d been thrown off Snowdon, Hephaestus stylee, and that was just on the flat.  Watching me going up and down our stairs using the bannister was apparently very amusing, but I choose to believe that’s just because the mob have, unsurprisingly, a juvenile sense of humour 😉


And then, just when I was thinking I could possibly try and get back to my usual exercise routine, we sadly and unexpectedly had to have one of our cats put to sleep, and, well, life went a little pear-shaped.  Very sad times 🙁

Eventually, once the dust had settled, two workouts later, and with the incentive of company to ride with and good weather to do so in, I finally made it out on the bike again today, with Alan, one of the newer members of the ACG.  Even though he’d originally had hills in mind, he was more than amenable to doing a Glastonbury coffee run instead.  Easily led astray, as it were 😉  So that’s what we did.  In unseasonable warmth, with arms and (in his case) legs out!  It felt more like late Spring than early winter, and it was very lovely.  A bit windy, to be fair, but given warmth and sunshine, it seems churlish to complain.  It turns out I’d missed my bike, and I feel a whole heap better for having been out on it 😀

coffee shadow

Cycling time: 1:59
Distance: 32.1 miles
Avg: 16.1 mph
ODO: 7031.1 miles