Keep holding on

Today was an ACG ride.  Oh yes it was, Oh no it wasn’t…

I don’t really need to tell you anything more about the weather do I?  Let’s face it, it’s all just a case of the same sh*t, different day.  And after yet another storm blew threw last night,  I already knew the chances of riding today were small.  But I set my alarm nonetheless, and when I woke things looked promising, on the weather front anyway.  Mild, blue (ish) skies, fairly still air…  But that’s all very well.  Great overhead does not help with horrible undertyre.  The lake behind the house had grown, there was clearly water and leaves and debris everywhere, and the only ACG person I knew was going out had texted me to say that the mountain bike was a better option so he was heading for the hills with his son instead.  And then there was one…

Now if I’d known there was going to be a crowd of us, I might have had a boost on the motivation front but since it looked like it was going to be just me, kayaking through the floods, dodging debris and knowing my luck of late, fixing punctures along the way, I was seriously wavering.  Then I got a text from GB warning me to be careful out there, which may well have come as the final straw.  Darn it.  Am I ever going to get to ride my bike?!

To be courteous, I did walk up to the Square for 9:30am, just to make my excuses to anyone who did turn up.  Water was pouring down the road, across the Square, water water everywhere…mocked by blue sunny skies above.  I loitered, Sunday paper underarm, for a little while but, as half expected, nobody turned up.  Ah well, at least I wasn’t letting anybody, other than myself, down right?

“Home again, home again, jiggety jog.  My son is a toad and my daughter’s a frog”.  Well it makes us laugh anyway…   I got home and dragged t’other half and the amphibians out for a walk around the reservoir instead, as more rain is due later today.  Not the same, not good enough, but better than nothing…and it burned off a little of my excess energy.  Besides, it was quite nice out there really…

Have some pictures for the ACG ride that wasn’t.