Lucky me

It’s here!  There is a large cardboard box blocking the hallway, full of lovely shiny new bike goodness.  Which is about all I know for the moment, until I take it over to see Andrew on Friday to have him build it up and make it fit me.  Oh, the suspense… But it’s here! 🙂

As is my new kit – which I am ridiculously pleased with.  It’s turned out even better than I’d hoped.  Ok, so there are no go-faster stripes *grin* … but it’s fantastic!  I even look vaguely presentable in it – black is so slimming 😉  Not sure what effect the purple flames have though… 😛  I’ll try and get some photos to post soon.

I plan on testing out some of the kit tomorrow on a ride with G, and I should be able to wear it for the Forest of Dean Spring Classic on Sunday.  The bike will need trying out a bit before I do an event on it though.  Halfway through an 85 mile ride is not the time to discover that you haven’t got it set up properly! *grin*