Only Women Bleed

I feel like I’ve just been three rounds with Mike Tyson.  Or maybe I’m just doing a very good zombie impression – dead woman walking.  Man that was hard work!

I went for a ride this morning.  This was my route.  I’m running out of routes…

Up from Cheddar up to the back road to Draycott.  Round Nyland.  Up from Rodney Stoke and  round the back of Westbury-sub-Mendip.  Up from Easton to Wookey Hole.  The BIG up was Bristol Hill, the A39 out of Wells.  Which was the only point at which the wind was useful.  It did actually help me up the hill (a bit), which just goes to show how strong it was.  Man does that hill ever go on.  And on.  And on.  And then there’s all the little ups over the Mendips until the final down from Shipham.  So I think it’s safe to say it was not a flat route.

However the worst bit was by far the wind.  I nearly wimped out on the Nyland road as I was buffeted around, but stuck to it, and found some shelter on the wiggly back roads.  However after Bristol Hill, on top of the exposed Mendips, it was a constant battle to keep the bike where I wanted it to be, and not to inadvertently end up either on the road or in the path of oncoming traffic.  One too many involuntary intake of breath for my liking.  Especially with the amount of traffic that uses that road.  And the sideways drizzle was a nice touch.  It became a fight just to get home in one piece.  So I fought and, by the looks of it, I won.

It was one of the least pleasant rides ever.  Due to the condition of at least half of the roads I was on I’d have been better off on a mountain bike, and had to gingerly pick my way along.  Add that to the hills and the wind…  Suffice to say I wasn’t going anywhere fast today.  Busy going nowhere most of the time!

Cycling time: 2:36:08
Distance: 32.17 miles
Avs: 12.3 mph
ODO: 6966 miles

Ah well, it’s all good training right?  My goal was to go up Bristol Hill, and that I did, so from that point of view, and that point of view alone, it was a good ride.  Can’t say as I hated the descent down Shipham Hill either 😉  Well I’d earnt it!  However if it’s anything like that on Sunday I’m going to the gym – High Ham Hill can wait…

(and to explain the title – I did all of that with stomach cramps.  I’m well ‘ard *grin*).