Purple Rain

Another Sunday, another ACG ride.  Only 5 of us this time – the usual suspects – and we headed out at 9:30am to go to the seaside.  We kinda made the route up as we went along – being organised like that.  First off it was out of town and up (and then down) Winscombe Hill.  I don’t like that down at all – it’s very wiggly, there’s a high likelihood of cars coming in the opposite direction, there’s frequently gravel/leaves/wet on the road…  So, that didn’t go so well (she says gripping the handlebars and braking too much) but luckily that turned out to be the worst of the downs today.  After that it was a wiggle round the back roads and then up the steep bit to come out at by Banwell Castle – a little stinker that – where a peacock was waiting for us…giving a handy opportunity for me to catch my breath whilst pretending to admire it.  😉

From Banwell we were on to the levels across towards Puxton, then round Sand Bay before another steep up past the Commodore Hotel to reach the toll road.  Along the swoopy toll road, which is always good fun, and we arrived at our coffee stop in Kewstoke.  I never can remember the name of the place, but it’s probably The Cliffs Tea Rooms, on the RHS just before and above the old pier.  I’ve always meant to stop there but never managed to.  Well, today we did, parking in the bike stands provided, and I can proper recommend the carrot cake *grin*.

Off again, and down into Weston to admire the grockles, and all the “street” cars that were attending some meet or other on the lawns.  By this time folk were getting a little spread out, and then further separated by traffic lights, so following a well-established tradition, by the time we reached the main road we were a man down.   One intrepid soul headed off in search and rescue fashion (I think he just wanted an excuse to hare off and add some miles *grin*) and we were, albeit briefly, back together again.  Rather than come back via that Bleadon Hill, we turned right off the main road instead and came back through Lympsham…by which time we were two groups.  A three – including me – and a two.  We wiggled our way back separately, past the Rookery and Webbington Hotels and back to the Square.  Ah well, it wouldn’t be right if it all went to plan!  😉

Cycling time: 2:05:14
Distance: 31.79 miles
Avs: 15.1 mph
ODO: 1723 miles

Apart from some drizzle around Sand Bay, we were lucky with the weather.   I’ve decided to work at corners, and then I can work at downhill corners.  One step at a time…  The best thing of all is that, post cleat tweaking, my knee didn’t twinge at all!  It felt a bit weird to start with, with the slightly different position, but no pain is definitely a gain! *grin*.  I know I keep saying it, but I’m really enjoying riding at the mo.  Bet it’s a different kettle of fish soon when the temperature plummets, the layers come on and the summer, such as it was, really has gone.

PS: my new Stelvio Raceguards + 2 new tubes arrived earlier this week from Schwalbe in black/silver.  Very cool :).  Looking forward to getting my Ultremo Rs as well – they should be brill for next season.