Rock you like a hurricane

There are the times when, faced with a wavering will and failing motivation, the rules are there, to kick your ar*e, and get you on your bike.  Then there are days like today, when you can take them and stick ’em where the sun don’t shine.  Riding today would have been at the very least unpleasant, but at worst possibly also actively dangerous.  Judging by the amount of debris on the roads, the puncture fairy was going to be having a field day playing with those foolish enough to venture forth.  That would be the unpleasant.   But the wind and the rain?  I think riding today might also having been asking for an invitation to check out the nearest A&E department.  I’ve got so much coming up, so much I want to be doing and that I’m looking forward to that I’m sorry, that’s not a risk I was prepared to take.  So I didn’t.  I bailed on today’s planned ride with GB, and I went to the dry, warm, boring gym for a bit instead, and lived to ride another day :).