Slow Sunday Ride

The Axbridge Cycling Group went out for a Sunday morning ride yesterday.  Although the morning started a little frosty, causing a couple of people to pull out, the sunshine meant that the roads were actually fairly clear by the time we headed out, and there was still a pretty good turnout.

There were two groups of us – a slower group of 4 headed direct for the coffee stop whereas a faster group of 6 took a more circuitous route.  Due to puncture issues, the long route took considerably longer than it ought to have done, and after plenty of stopping and starting it seemed to take forever to get to coffee!  Although the levels were looking rather beautiful – all flooded and wintry – by then I really just wanted to get to where I was going, rather than sit back and enjoy the view.  My legs were feeling great, but it just wasn’t one of those days where I could properly enjoy that.

The coffee stop at Sweets Peat Museum was jam packed with cyclists – and the slower group had been there for some time.  We were lucky to get a table as a few folk left just as we were queuing for coffee.  Sadly, good though the coffee was, by the time it arrived I had chilled right down, which wasn’t pleasant.  So, once finished, all that was left to do was head straight for home.  Straight up Mudgeley Hill and back down the main road from Wedmore to Cheddar, to home.  Not the world’s most satisfactory ride, but a nicely sociable one nonetheless.

As it turned out, the wire for my cycling computer had snapped, so there’ll be no ride stats today.  Hubby has since repaired it, so normal service should be resumed shortly.  If not, I’ll be buying a new one asap!