S’not easy being green

I’ve got another stinkin’ cold, about which I am less than pleased.  I woke up this morning to sunny skies, no obvious wind, and the fact that I hadn’t been on the bike since last Tuesday.  I really wanted to just go back to bed, but that’s never really an option, and it always pains me to miss out on good cycling weather as it tends to be in short supply so…

Cycling time: 2:14:35
Distance: 33.017 miles
Avs: 15.2 mph
ODO: 9106.5miles

I did exactly the same route as I did with AJ last week, and the stats are nearly identical.  Which is weird as last week’s ride felt terrible, and today’s felt fine, even though I was taking it pretty easy because of the lurghi.  I expected to find it proper hard work, but oddly enough I didn’t.  Though there may have been more snot involved than usual *grin*.  My legs felt great – which is no doubt proof of the fact that they like rest days…but as usual, I shall be ignoring that fact.  I guess the next thing to do is the same route, after some rest, without a cold…and see what happens then.  However repetition gets boring, so that may have to wait a while.  At least I got back out on the bike 🙂