Snowed In

I’ve been snowed in all week.  Well, not literally, but there’s been enough of the darned stuff around that cycling has been out of the question.  Which means it’s probably a good time to have come down with the stinkin’ cold that I have.  I’d call that fortuitous, but I’d rather just not have the cold at all!  I’ve had to do all my cycling at the gym which, whilst productive, ain’t as good as the real thing, and is considerably more boring…

I took advantage of the enforced spare time to tweak this website a bit and make all the logos .gifs as recommended by A at Kalaswear.  I think it loads a lot faster now and is easier to use.  I’ve also put a piccie of my face on the front page, and one other on the “about me” page.  So far this month 96 folk have graced this site with their presence, which I think is pretty cool.

I also went to see A at Kalaswear about my custom kit, and we knocked some ideas around.  I’m quite excited about it, and also as I’m a control freak, I’m desperate to get it right…I hope he’s patient enough with me 🙂  I have to get all my logos by the end of this month, which only leaves me 3 weeks to find any commercial sponsors I can…*aaaarghhh*…no pressure there then.  If you, your company, or any company you know of would like to sponsor me – please get in touch.