Stay on these roads

Another sunny Sunday meant another sunny seaside loop, only done clockwise this time – variety being the spice of life ‘n all that.  AJ and I spent a happy couple of hours out and about, and actually managed to stay on our bikes this time ’round!  We waved at the hospital in Weston as we went through Uphill, but managed to avoid visiting it in person, which has to be an improvement *grin*.

Cycling time: 2:59:24
Distance: 30.153 miles
Avs: 15.2 mph
ODO: 9038.6 miles

It being the same loop as last Sunday, there were even a couple of hills – including Bleadon Hill which, just like all the others of late, wasn’t quite as bad as I remembered it.  Maybe the sunshine makes hills easier?  Mind you, I may be finding them easier, but AJ is another one of those that disappears up hills as if they aren’t there, and then has to wait for me somewhere down the line.  I do wonder how people do that! 🙂

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