The pain behind your eyes

blue sky levels

Last Wednesday I went riding with this bird here…


We did this.  The sun shone, the wind chilled, and we spent more time talking at Sweets than we actually did on the bike!  But then that was kind of the point.  I was taking it easy as I wasn’t feeling great and, as it turns out, it was the beginning of my worst pain attack so far.  Sadly I’m fairly sure riding made it worse, and the painkillers wore off on the way home.  Chatting to a friend for a while definitely made me feel better though :).

Cycling time: 1:26 hrs.
Distance: 23.1 miles.
Avs: 16.1 mph.
ODO: 16899.4 miles

I was supposed to be riding this weekend but, and you know how rare this is, I decided that resting was a better idea.  Which goes a long way to demonstrating how bad I’ve been feeling.  To be fair, it wasn’t entirely optional as I’m not sure I could have ridden anyway.  However hopefully we’ll be getting me sorted soon.  My next op is on January 15th, and in the meantime I’m on morphine patches with tramadol for top-up cover so, as of today, things seem to be under control.  Which (understatement alert) is a very good thing! *grin*.

In other news…  Plans for my test bike are well in hand.  Andrew fitted new winter wheels to my winter bike today, which I shall be trying out and showing off out there tomorrow, *fingers crossed*.  And when I can’t ride, I’m doing grinding intervals on the wattbike and (so I’m told) working on my torque ability.  All gobbledygook to me, I’m just doing what I’m told.  And yes, I can do that :P.

me and my shadow