The winds of change

I went cycling with a guy I know this morning, which made a change.  As did the whole two days in a row thing, but I’m trying not to waste the last remaining days of tolerable weather.  If I head out tomorrow as planned, I may even make it three days in a row!

It may have still been dry, but it was noticeably colder than yesterday.  Long sleeves and the windproof gilet today which, unlike yesterday, stayed on.  The seasons are changing…  As we came back from our coffee stop in Glastonbury an unwelcome chilly head/side wind had appeared too, which we both agreed hadn’t been there on the way out.  If it had been, I’d have been going much faster!

Cycling time: 2:04:49
Distance: 32.9 miles
Avs: 15.8 mph
ODO: 2186 miles

We followed the KISS principle (that’s Keep It Simple, Stupid) and stuck to the usual kinda route – out to Glastonbury for coffee and back again.  For various reasons, not least of which was me being lazy, we kept it mostly flat.  My knee was twinging a bit by Wedmore so that was just as well.  Nowt wrong with flat!  I think the speed was pretty good, he thinks we were pootling…ah well.  My standards are clearly lower *grin*.  Still, all in all, it was a pretty good couple of hours in the saddle.

In other mental meanderings, I’m trying to find a way of making money out of my cycling obsession.  Which may mean applying for a job (shock, horror)… or “thinking outside of the box” and trying to find another way of doing it.  So if you’ve got any ideas for me…fire away!