Where I find my heaven

Having done the sensible thing on Monday, and taken my knee to the doctor’s, I am now living on diclofenac, and have an appointment with a specialist sports physio tomorrow.  In the meantime, I appreciate that most “normal” people would be resting up but, well, normal is over-rated! 😉  It hasn’t been too bad at the gym, and the pain levels are ok – presumably because of the pills.  Having said that I am aware that it isn’t right.  It feels weird, doesn’t bear weight in the normal way, and after a decent walk, I have a tendency to limp slightly which, lets face it, isn’t great.

Today was the first time I got back on the bike.  With George and Mim who, for whatever blessed reason, weren’t going too fast.  Probably because they were too busy talking!  This left me either sitting behind, or out in front, doing my own thing.  Both places I am very happy to be, and where I can concentrate on what I’m doing.  I even went down a couple of hills and round a couple of corners better than usual, following some advice from bikeradar.  It was a pretty flat route, in glorious autumn sunshine, and it was very gorgeous out there.  For the first half an hour or so I thought I might have got away with it….  However the knee then started twingeing.  It never got to full-on painful, and I worked to favour it.  Once it’s gone, it really doesn’t like uphills but can be ok on fast flats, so I made the most of those to compensate.

I had been considering stopping the pills and seeing if it was better, but as a result of today’s ride, I’m currently thinking it’s not.  Instead I shall wait and see what tomorrow brings…and what advice I get, considering that the ACG are going up hills on Saturday.  I may have to bail…   Actually I ought to be sitting here with ice on it, but I forgot…

Cycling time: 2:08:32
Distance: 33.85 miles
Avs: 15.7 mph
ODO: 6162 miles

The bike is feeling really smooth and quiet and comfortable at the moment, and when it’s right…man, it’s luverly.  All in tune and everything.  🙂  Having said that, the front wheel wheel bearing induced wobble is worsening.  Sadly I foresee more expenditure in the very near future, but really can’t afford replacement wheels…  I’ve already had a new chain set, and Andrew now has my shiny new brake callipers which are awaiting fitting.  Not cheap.  Not as expensive as they can be.  But I do like the ability to stop my bike…I’ve got this whole self-preservation thing going on 😉