Why does it always rain on me?

A larger than usual contingent of the ACG gathered in the Square on Saturday morning – eight of us in fact.  After a brief conflab we decided to head out to Glastonbury, which is about the right distance and fairly flat.  We stuck to the usual kind of route from Cheddar to Wedmore and then across the levels out to Glastonbury where the roads are quieter.   We got a bit spread out from time to time on the main roads but, oddly for us, actually managed not to lose anyone permanently!  Well, not until after the coffee stop when two of us had other places to see, leaving 6 of us to make the return journey in fairly similar fashion.

It was a really good ride.  Everyone was at the same speed, flying along happily.  The weather was mostly ok…until the end when it started raining, something the gathering clouds had been warning us about for some time.  I got to enjoy my favourite bit of road again and put my head down and zoomed back to home, undeterred by the rain.

Cycling time: 2:09:56
Distance: 34.45 miles
Avs: 15.9 mph
ODO: 1661 miles

The bike was feeling good, my left knee only twinged a bit, and I had a really good enjoyable ride.  I think we all did.  Well, possibly apart from the two that were unlucky enough to be stung by wasps…yuck.  I’m feeling quite positive about my riding, but am still disastrous down hills and am going to have to work at that…I think I’ll start by putting grippier tyres on the bike for the winter, that should help!