You ain’t strong enough

I went for a short evening ride with Chris last night.  Which involved lots of complicated explanations about aerobic and anaerobic fitness, which translated into lots of nearly killing me by making me do mini max efforts up hills and the like.  Which I was clearly rubbish at but hey, that means I can only get better, right?  I’d been dreading it all day, since I’m not a massive fan of being shown how crap I am, but actually, as always, life is better on the bike, and by halfway through I’d mostly kicked the grumpy mood that had been with me all day too.  Now I just have to go out and do it again on my own a few times.  Here’s hoping it all helps!

evening ride

In the meantime I’ve just exchanged emails with the lovely guys from the Dartmoor Classic vis-a-vis arrangements etc., during which I mentioned that I was really looking forward to it but would be as slow as ever.  Ron has given me the best excuse ever and made me giggle:

Don’t concern yourself with being just as slow as ever because you’ve got the best excuse.   Just say “I’m a journalist on an important assignment and, as a dedicated professional, I have a duty to observe as much as I can. Therefore, if this dictates I need to take my time, in order not to miss anything, then that’s the sacrifice I have to make.”

It’s fantastic and I plan on using it on a regular basis! 😀

And in unrelated news, sportive goody bags and medals are all very well, but having survived the Tour of Wessex and being in need of a little cheering up, I bought myself an eco-friendly present from LeJu Designs.  Somewhat more wearable than a medal too methinks 😉
LeJu ring