Big girls

The weather has broken, but at least it had the courtesy to wait until after today’s ride.  GW and I headed out in typical Thursday morning traditional style. I’d planned a route but as ever we didn’t stick to it.  There was much chatting, and enjoying of the scenery, as GW hasn’t been out in a while.  Not that this has noticeably affected her fitness, but there you go.  We visited the back roads round Nyland, Rodney Stoke, Westbury sub Mendip, Wookey Hole, Wells, Burcott, Westhay and Wedmore, in pretty much that order.

Cycling time: 2:14:34
Distance: 33.48 miles
Avs: 15.0 mph
ODO: 4908 miles

My figures aren’t 100% accurate as I didn’t realise my cycling computer wasn’t on until we were nearly in Draycott – but they’ll have to do.  Add another four miles if you’re picky…which I am *grin*.  It was windier than I’d have liked, but the wind was weirdly warm so not entirely unpleasant, and indeed very lovely when it was behind us – noticeably so on the main road home – always nice 🙂

It all made for a very nice sociable ride, and since I’ve been doing an awful lot of cyling on my lonesome of late, that made a nice change.  Even the familiar roads – well, it’s hard to find unfamiliar ones these days – don’t seem so tedious in company.  Having said that I did try another new road today – that’s two in recent history – how exciting is that? 😉  I’m going to have to search more out as I really am getting bored of the same old same old…

On a painful note, my left knee has started playing up again which is a bit irritating, and I think I’ll have to go back to my back issues of Cycling Plus and re-read the knee pain articles.  Mayhap I’ll have to adjust my cleats again.  Or just take more pink pills *grin*.