Cold as ice

The weather forecast said 3C and sleet.  I was <this> close to wimping out but chose instead to compromise.  An hour on my bike this morning, and an hour in the gym this evening. I togged up, base layer and buffs a plenty, and headed out into the dismal drizzle.  I did a little loop through Cross, up the scenic (ie not madly steep) way to Badgworth, down to Cocklake, ’round Nyland, down the back route from Draycott into Cheddar, and home.  To be honest, it was pretty miserable…  I was going to pop in and see Paul at the LBS for some advice on my brakes, but couldn’t face the thought of stopping, warming up, and then having to get back on the bike and out into the cold again!

Cycling time: 1:01:46
Distance: 14.95 miles
Avs: 14.5 mph
ODO: 2947 miles

I didn’t realise how muddy I was until I parked up the bike and looked down to see if I should clean it.  I cleaned it.  I didn’t realise how wet I was until I started taking sodden layers off.  Straight into the washing machine with those.  I didn’t realise how cold I was until the warm shower actually made bits of me hurt by waking them up.  Oddly – not my feet, but the fronts of my thighs, which had been cold enough to be painful on the ride.  I even developed a minor case of ice-cream head as I came into Cheddar, having discovered an interesting bitter wind in Draycott.  I could have cycled longer, but I’m glad I didn’t have to 🙂

Still, it’s all good training, and I need to be doing some of that 🙂