That’s the way I like it

Finally, after two weeks in the doldrums, when riding the bike would not have been merely unpleasant or foolhardy but possibly suicidal, the barometer tipped in my favour.

I arranged to go out with GB on Sunday, in case it was due to be horrible, as having an arrangement in place to go out makes me much less likely to wimp out.  As the forecast improved, I dropped a line around the ACG to see if anyone else would like to join us, and at 10.00am on Sunday morning, 11 people turned out!  11!  I think that’s the best turn out ever.  I’m may have to stop “organising” proper rides, and just to stick to the “I’m going out, is anyone joining me?”! *grin*.

We split as usual, and 7 of us set off to repeat the route we rode on Boxing Day which we did, more or less.  First off, straight out to Glastonbury for a nice stop at the Rainbow Café.  Out again into the sun, and round the loop SH introduced us to last time as the group started to spread out…  The ACG peloton split and reformed in various different ways for the rest of the ride, but we didn’t actually lose anyone, which was an achievement 😉

Loop done, to avoid the main road, we decided to retrace our steps to Godney, which meant a quick trip down the long straight and, as it turns out, submerged main road.  The rhynes and Levels are full of snow melt, and the one by this road was just oozing through the bank and over the road.   We spread out, and picked our way through the shallows spraying water everywhere.  Pretty though 🙂

We went across the Levels south of Wedmore Edge, straight into a nasty headwind, where I took my turn at the front, which was hard work but kinda fun.  Just put my head down, and pushed…no doubt splashing water in GB’s face, since my lack of a rear mudguard has yet to be rectified.  It’s very pretty down there when it’s flooded – all reflections of the sky, with geese, herons, swans…

The rest of it was pretty much the usual.  Even the competitive charge down the last stretch.  Which apparently we weren’t going to do, so I wasn’t pushing very hard.  Besides which it’s hard to keep the pressure up when you’re out in front on your own and not supposed to be racing.  At which point GB can be guaranteed to cruise effortlessly past…   Next time he says we’re not racing I’m just going to ignore him! *grin*  Not that it’ll make much difference to the final result…

Cycling time: 2:38:00
Distance: 40.40 miles
Avs: 15.3 mph
ODO: 2931 miles

Should you be curious as to precisely how we wiggled around – our route is here.  Or if you prefer, there’s GB’s take on it.  We had great weather for it, and it was just so fantastic to be back on the bike.  I had the level of kit just right, my legs felt great, and I really enjoyed it.  Maybe that accounts for the pretty respectable speed.  I feel like maybe I can get in training now 🙂  First ride of 2010 – done.