Easy like Sunday mornin’

OK, so not precisely easy, but it was very lovely.  The sun decided to come out again, and there’s a little warmth in it now too.  Fingerless gloves, short sleeve layers (under the winter jacket) and for the first time since I got them – no overshoes.  Definitely an improvement.  There was wind, but I headed out into it, and let it blow me home, which was lovely.    I did the seaside loop and it was a great day for being at the seaside – sun, water, sand (well, ok, mud…).  All good for putting a smile on your face 🙂

Cycling time: 2:01:56
Distance: 32.287 miles
Avs: 15.9 mph
ODO: 8624.8 miles

There was a running event due to start as I cycled through Kewstoke, narrowly missing the road being closed, and I didn’t envy them that.  Two wheels good, two legs…not for me *grin*.