I can’t stand the rain

After getting soaked to the skin last week, today’s weather forecast was not filling me with the joys of Spring.  Unsurprising when you consider that it’s actually Autumn…  As a result Mim and I agreed to check in by text this morning and decide what to do.  Although heavy rain was forecast the day dawned grey but dry so we decided to go out anyway, and just dress appropriately.  Yes, as ever, that means layers.  Which is tricky when you’re dressing for rain but it’s not actually cold.  I compromised and wore a long sleeve jersey with my gilet over the top, having stuffed its detachable sleeves in the saddle bag just in case.  As strategies go, it pretty much worked.  It was a little too hot going up hills, but stopped me from getting chilly going down them, and it was handy when the wind blew and the rain threatened which, luckily, was all it ever really did.

We did the usual kind of making it up as we go along and wiggling around to get us to the seafront at Weston, and came back over the big Bleadon Hill again, which is getting to be a bit of a habit.  Mim did the usual leaving me for dust going up hill thing, which nicely put me back in my place.  Can’t have me getting ideas above my station *grin*.  So, it was a non-eventful, hillier than it might have been, mostly dry ride.  We’re planning on doing a long one on Thursday morning as I need push that mental barrier a bit before doing the next two sportives.

Cycling time: 2:06:40 hrs
Distance: 33.40 miles.
Avs: 15.8 mph
ODO: 10143 miles

I’m getting on very well with my bike at the moment.  I think it likes the fact that there is a little less of me.  (Don’t worry, I don’t expect you to have noticed *grin*).  It must be easier for me to get around weighing less, with presumably a better muscle/weight ratio and I think maybe it affects my centre of gravity?  I’m not sure how it works, and I’m sure there’s some very sensible explanation, but the bike definitely seems to be handling better, and we’re having a lot of fun together :).