Let’s get it on

OMG, I have just totally kicked arse!

Here’s my route. As you can see, if you bothered looking, it’s not flat.  Intentionally so because I need to be doing some hills to compensate for the lack of miles of late.  Besides which, I’ve decided I quite like hills.  Only quite you understand ;).  And with the weather being fairly still and sunny, with added autumnal chill in the air, it seemed like a good day for it.

So, let’s start with Shipham Hill.  Get the biggest hill out of the way first thing, right?  I pushed all the way to get there, and I pushed all the way to the top and….total result!  13:55!! That beats my previous PB by 35 seconds!!!!!  Can you tell by the number of exclamation marks how chuffed I am with that? 😀

From there I went down to Churchill, along to Sandford, and over to Kewstoke.  Hurtling along all the way, not letting myself let up.  One of those days when you look down and expect to be doing 18mph but you’re actually doing 20mph+!  Up the kicker by the Commodore Hotel.  Down into Weston.  Through Uphill, straight over and up Bleadon Hill, with the lovely descent slightly marred by an irritating elderly person in a silver Ford Focus who was clearly even more scared going downhill than I used to be!  Over the littler Bleadon Hill.  Up through Loxton and along the pretty way through Christon, before going along Barton road and up Winscombe Hill again.  See, look at all those hills?  Well, it’s quite a lot of hills for me anyway.  But that’s not the best bit.  Oh no.  Wait for it…

Cycling time: 2:04:56 hrs
Distance: 35.53 miles.
Avs: 17.0 mph
ODO: 10110 miles

OMG!  Have you seen my average speed?  And that’s on a hilly ride!  There’s nothing for it, I’m just going to have to say it, I rock! *grin*.  I’m also oddly pleased by how binary my odometer reading is.  But that would be my inner geek peeping out again so I’m just going to ignore that. 😉

(In case you were wondering the answer is 22, and if you actually were wondering that makes you almost as much of a geek as me *grin*).