Category Archives: General

You think that I’m strong, you’re wrong

Today I went for a ride with an alien.

alien light

No, not that one (although it is kinda cool)…this one! Well he’s less of an alien, more of a grockle around here ;).

Gaz at Sweets

As an honorary Somerset cyclist for the day, it was therefore necessary to take him to the infamous Sweets Tea Rooms, which is practically a place of pilgrimage for those pedalling around here.  Not to mention being a rather nice piece of alliteration ;).

We did my standard type of training loop, with the odd lump just to see if lumps were doable, and also with a whole heap of flat to balance out the hills of Exmoor that he usually rides up.  Life’s all about balance.  As is riding a bike ;).  I think it’s safe to see that my current drug cocktail, though essential, is far from performance enhancing, and there were also two nights of grinding wattbike interval training in my legs, so I wasn’t going anywhere fast.  Man my legs were heavy…  Gaz kicked my ass!  In fact I didn’t get going until after our stop and the usual large americano with extra shot.  After that I went up Mudgeley hill a little better than sometimes and not in very bottom gear for a change.  It may be a little early to tell if the training is working, but maybe that should give me a glimmer of hope?  I wonder how I’d do if I was a little better rested?

It wasn’t what you’d call lovely out there, it was grey and chilly and still and sort of flat.  Nonetheless it was better to be out, and having good company to ride with saved me from my urge to just roll over and go back to sleep this morning – I have a tendency towards zombie status at the moment!   This is also only the third month this year where I’ve done more mileage than the equivalent month last year, and it was nice to claw a little more back.  However I’m currently 893 miles behind and there’s no way I’m going to make that up between now and 2014!

Cycling time: 1:49 hrs.
Distance: 29.6 miles.
Avs: 16.2 mph.
ODO: 16929 miles

Time to show off a bit.  Here’s my bike with its shiny new handbuilt wheels, before they got cruddy on the roads, and therefore the shiniest they will probably ever be.  I’m no expert on wheels, but they went round and round like they were supposed to, so they seem alright to me!  The bike also has two new bottle holders, one of which is Howie‘s.  It was a freebie at the Mario Cippolini Gran Fondo and he didn’t need it so he gave it to me so that I’d have two matching ones.  I kinda like that it’s on my bike now – I’m sentimental like that.  Mind you, took long enough to get around to putting them there!  I also touched up all the black scratched paintwork on my poor battered frame last night, so my steed was briefly looking quite smart :).

shiny new wheels

Everybody feels the wind blow

Thanks to the weather,  a serious pain patch, a weekend away, the joys of half term, and life generally not going according to plan, it has been a week since I’ve ridden the bike and even then I forgot to get around to writing about it.  Ooh, the shame.

Cycling time: 0:58 hrs.
Distance: 13.9 miles.
Avs: 14.4 mph.
ODO: 16686.8 miles.

I have been regularly kicking ar*e on the Wattbike though, thanks to various advice received.  I’m enjoying it in sado-masochistic fashion, and I think I may even be making some progress.  However, it’s not the same.  OK, it’s warm, and dry.  It’s bl**dy hard work, which is good training.  But catching up on my boxset viewing is not the same as the headspace you get on the real thing.  No headspace, no vitamin D, no big outside world to put things in perspective.  I’ve been missing my bike, can you tell…?

view to Brent Knoll

I wasn’t supposed to be riding today as I had an appointment.  As could probably have been predicted, based on current trends, that got unexpectedly postponed for a week.  As one door closes, another one opens…and suddenly there was a window in my diary.  Even the weather I could see through it looked half decent.  Although I’m finding it hard to motivate myself to go riding on my own, I really didn’t have any good excuses left and with my last sportive of the season coming up on Sunday I thought that it might be wise to at least check the bike still worked before then!  Which left me with both opportunity and motive.  But no candlestick or library ;).  I was a bit short on the spirit of adventure though, so it having been a while, I just did one of my usual training loops to see how I got on.

Which, it transpires, was quite well.  It was lovely to be back on the bike.  The legs and lungs felt pretty good, but I had to curse my way up a couple of what passed for hills though – I do wish my pain cave wasn’t quite so literal.  Still, I think there may have been signs of improvement lurking in my performance overall.  Or maybe there was just a whole heap of wishful thinking going on.  But it was clear and bright and mild, with patches of sunshine.  The Levels are not busy on a Wednesday lunchtime, meaning that the only thing disturbing the wildlife was me.  Herons, magpies, birds of prey and a beautiful kingfisher that flew along the rhyne parallel to me and then parked up to watch me go past watching him.  Stunning.  There was a rather annoying headwind for the first half of the loop but, blissfully, that meant that on the way back it was, every now and then, behind me.  The noise drops, the head goes down, the speed goes up, and the smile goes on… :D.

Cycling time: 1:44 hrs.
Distance: 29.1 miles.
Avs: 16.7 mph.
ODO: 16715.9 miles.

My body is a temple.  Honest.  It just happens to be one that has received liberal libations of late.  With the waving around of rather a lot of incense.  So I should be pleased it went as well as it did, and encouraged by the fact that it can only get better from here :).

side pocpac view

In the meantime, I’m currently testing out a new pOcpac –  more of which another time.  And in very, very, very exciting other news, it looks like I’ll be getting a demo bike for a while to test out and review the Campag Athena EPS groupset, hopefully in a month or so.  Depending on what fits me, this will be either a Bianchi Infinito or a Pinarello Dogma.  Which is bit like giving a Fiat driver a Ferrari!  How cool is that?!  :D.

Stay with me

As part of the ongoing saga that would appear to be necessary to figure out what’s wrong with me, I had an exploratory laparoscopy on Thursday and currently feel like I’ve been kicked in the stomach by a giraffe.  Not a horse.  Giraffe have bigger feet right?  Or are they hooves?  We did discuss whether or not elephants can kick and decided that possibly they couldn’t.  And then there was some urban myth thoughts about giraffes being able to kill lions by kicking them.  Which apparently would not be an urban myth, but more of a rural myth, or a savannah myth…

Not only did I not get any conclusive answers, but I’m also not allowed to do any high impact exercise for at least a week!  You can imagine how thrilled I am about this…though to be fair, I can hardly walk around at the moment, so it’s not like I was about to jump on the bike anyway :(.  Still, I’m learning to appreciate tramadol… 😉

Hopefully I’ll be back on the bike beforehand, but if not, I’ll be doing the Christmas Eve mince pie run to Sweets come hell or high water! (*fingers crossed*, *touch wood*).  OK, so by then MaxiMe could probably ride there and back faster than me, but you have to start somewhere right?

Bear with me folks…normal service will (hopefully) be resumed shortly!


Keep holding on

Today was an ACG ride.  Oh yes it was, Oh no it wasn’t…

I don’t really need to tell you anything more about the weather do I?  Let’s face it, it’s all just a case of the same sh*t, different day.  And after yet another storm blew threw last night,  I already knew the chances of riding today were small.  But I set my alarm nonetheless, and when I woke things looked promising, on the weather front anyway.  Mild, blue (ish) skies, fairly still air…  But that’s all very well.  Great overhead does not help with horrible undertyre.  The lake behind the house had grown, there was clearly water and leaves and debris everywhere, and the only ACG person I knew was going out had texted me to say that the mountain bike was a better option so he was heading for the hills with his son instead.  And then there was one…

Now if I’d known there was going to be a crowd of us, I might have had a boost on the motivation front but since it looked like it was going to be just me, kayaking through the floods, dodging debris and knowing my luck of late, fixing punctures along the way, I was seriously wavering.  Then I got a text from GB warning me to be careful out there, which may well have come as the final straw.  Darn it.  Am I ever going to get to ride my bike?!

To be courteous, I did walk up to the Square for 9:30am, just to make my excuses to anyone who did turn up.  Water was pouring down the road, across the Square, water water everywhere…mocked by blue sunny skies above.  I loitered, Sunday paper underarm, for a little while but, as half expected, nobody turned up.  Ah well, at least I wasn’t letting anybody, other than myself, down right?

“Home again, home again, jiggety jog.  My son is a toad and my daughter’s a frog”.  Well it makes us laugh anyway…   I got home and dragged t’other half and the amphibians out for a walk around the reservoir instead, as more rain is due later today.  Not the same, not good enough, but better than nothing…and it burned off a little of my excess energy.  Besides, it was quite nice out there really…

Have some pictures for the ACG ride that wasn’t.




On a steel horse I ride

Yesterday I was supposed to go for a ride with Velopixie.  You’ve not “met” him before, and either had I!  That’s the wonders of twitter for you.  And it’s always a little nerve wracking meeting new people especially when, as I may have mentioned before, I can be a bit shy underneath the brash exterior.  Riding is good for such things though, because there’s frequently things to talk about, to be distracted by, effort and hills and scenery to fill any awkward gaps…

…but the weather meant that riding was not to be.  It was horrible from the start, and then got worse.  Getting from Chippenham to here was apparently a journey of a thousand flooded miles.  At some point amidst the flurry of updates, tweets, texts and calls, a judgement call was made.  Even if the weather were to clear, which seemed unlikely, the roads were still going to be horrible, and time was running out.  However, being nearer here than there, we decided to make the best of a bad deal.  I had time to change into civvies and make myself presentable, as I had to work later, and when the man himself finally rolled into town, we had to roll out again so that we could head to Cheddar in search in coffee.  Well, we’d picked the one day the Almshouse is closed, to add insult to injury, so there was no room at the café ;).

We headed for Costa in the Gorge.  Not possibly everyone’s first choice, but it’s always open, has a free car park opposite, and does gluten free brownies to go with perfectly acceptable coffee.  What’s not to love?  It’s not Starbucks right? ;). (ooh, look at me getting all topical).

I clearly hadn’t thought this through.  Blame the nervous babbling.  Because, as I mentioned, there had been a lot of rain.  Possibly biblical amounts.  There were floods everywhere as we made our way there.  And what caused the Gorge?  A river.  From a river it came, and thanks to the overnight and continuing downpour, to a river it had returned.  Back to it’s flooded roots.  Because if they weren’t flooded the water wouldn’t have been overflowing everywhere, bubbling up from down below, to join that already pouring down the road.  I’ve ridden the Gorge in some truly horrendous weather, but I have never seen it like that.  So much water, so deep, flowing so fast, that without decent wellies you couldn’t get from one side of the road to the other.  We went a little up past the car park, which was not all that accessible in such conditions, parked on the bend, and contemplated canoeing, since that was going to be the only way to get anywhere without wading, and I so wasn’t dressed for that…


Back in the car then, and time to formulate a Plan B.  The rest of the Gorge was busy sandbagging or being out of season closed, so we headed to the little community café back in town for coffee and gluten free shortbread instead.

It was all very pleasant.  It turns out that pixies aren’t scarey at all 😉 *grin*.  We chatted, exchanged the usual stories, had more in common than just cycling, and happily killed a couple of dry warm hours.  Next time we ride though!  Honest…though since the second storm has arrived this evening, I’m starting to wonder when I’ll ever get on a bike that isn’t in the gym ever again!  Yes, I’m sulking and, to be fair, I’m very good at it ;).

Today my fantastic mechanic Andrew performed his usual magic on my old bike.  My poor Cube, it’s been through so much.  This time around, as suspected, the bottom bracket was seized.  Luckily Andrew had a second-hand spare to tide me over until we get a new one.  It also now has a new front wheel to replace the one I borrowed earlier in the year, so that at least one bike – his t’other half’s – has matching wheels.  He’s handy like that – so many bits and pieces lying around, from bottom brackets to wheels!  He put the winter tyres on both wheels, tightened up the loose cassette, and hopefully it’s now ready to ride…again with the if I ever get to!  Thanks Andrew :).  We agreed to get a bigger cassette – 12/32 for the Cinelli, and I’m going to try out some Kalas winter tights through him as well.  Yes I’m a girly wuss.  Bite me ;).

In the meantime the Cinelli stands in the hallway forlorn and still filthy.  However I now have my lovely gold bundle from Purple Harry and if I ever get enough time to do so, it’s going to get a darn good cleaning before resting up over the winter.  Well, I don’t currently envisage much by way of sunny dry days, do you?  But just in case…it’ll be there ready and waiting and raring to go :).

Rubber side down

Thanks to the wonders of coincidence, it would appear that no-one is safe on the road, with both Bradley Wiggins and British cycling head coach Shane Sutton being involved in accidents this week.  The BBC poses the “is cycling getting more dangerous” question, and I don’t think I’m up for getting into that argument…so not brave enough!  Somewhat ironically, it’s thanks to Wiggo and the British Cycling team that there is apparently an influx of new riders on the road, and yet it is the great man himself demonstrating that bad things happen to good people.  Accidents are no respectors of rank!  So, in case you fancied educating yourself on some stats and figures, or maybe haven’t been riding long and could use some tips, how’s this for informative?  Let’s be careful out there!

UK Cycle Accident Statistics & Tips for Staying Safe


Provided by Injury Lawyers 4 U – accident specialists

Stormy weather

Welcome to November.  It’s cold, wet, and windy.  Maybe it’s just as well that I’m not currently riding the bike then?  No of course it isn’t!!  It’s driving me more than slightly insane, in case you were wondering.  It’s also exceedingly bad for my stats which are, as we all know, extremely important things.  My enforced rest has put me 78 miles down this October on last, about which I am (irrationally) not happy! *sulk*.

So forgive me bike(s), for I have sinned.  It’s been nine days since my last ride…  *sigh*.  As if to rub it in, and remind me what I should be doing, I have, somewhat bizarrely, made it into Cycling Weekly for the last two weeks!  See for yourself…


First for Strava and Cheddar Gorge last week.  Looks like I need to improve by 13 seconds right? ;).  And the only reason I’m there at all is due to the fact that there are less female riders, proportionally, and even less of us that use Strava!  And then this week there I am again, resplendent in Cyclosport kit on the Etape Cymru and kicking Kevin’s ar*e on a downhill somewhere.  Courtesy I believe, of sportivephoto – so thanks for making me look good!  Did I mention I like downhill?  I think they should put photographers on descents more often – there’s far more chance of me smiling at them!   Kinda cool to make the rag though, for whatever reason.  I was quite chuffed :).  I know it’s only been 9 days, but it feels like ages, and it was kinda nice to be reminded that I can ride a bike!  Well I could.  Whether or not I still can remains to be seen… :/.

While waiting, thanks to some much needed retail therapy, and some very helpful customer service from the guys at Rapha, I am now a whole heap more equipped to face the cold weather that has arrived during my absence.  Thick wooly winter socks, women’s long sleeved merino base layer


…and the deep winter collar that I love already even though all I did was wear it to work today!  To be fair it gets proper arctic in my office 😉  It’s very clever, and kind of in segmented overlapping pieces, so that it sits where it’s supposed to, and can be pulled up to cover your face.  Snuggly :D.

I’m going for a short ride tomorrow with Martyn, and anyone else who is around – just out to Sweets for coffee and back.  To see how it goes…  *fingers crossed*.  Best find my waterproofs, bet you it rains!  But hey, at least I’ll be warm right? And well fuelled, since hubby has made a gluten free beef, veg, and red wine pie.  You can tell it’s pie, it says so on (top of) the tin.  It should be safe…though these days there don’t seem to be any guarantees :(.  Here’s hoping anyway…

One last thing.  If riding is your thing, and you’d like to come and help me celebrate my birthday next year, I’m going to be doing some kind of away from home and riding type of weekend thing so keep 23/24th March free and come join me.  Details nearer the time, location yet to be decided, but there will be riding, and drinking, and then hungover riding ;).  Should be fun *grin*.

I got sunshine in a bag

Some of you may recall that I’m part of the pOcpac test team?  Well even if you don’t, I am, and today the postman brought me a small parcel full of new product to test out today.  I’m just a big kid – I love getting interesting things in the post :).

I loved my last phone pac – it did hundreds of miles sitting unobtrusively in my middle back pocket, carrying my phone, cards, and money wherever I went.  Anything that keeps my crackberry safe and dry when I’m pouring water over myself whilst cycling up Dolomites has to be a very good thing!  I’m looking forward to testing out the latest versions and seeing how they cope with living with me.  There may not be mountains in my near future, but there’s bound to be plenty of horrible wet weather to put them through their paces in instead.  Mind you the Etape Cymru is pretty lumpy – do those Welsh hills count as mountains?

There was an added surprise in my parcel – a pOcpac t-shirt!  Considering it was a woman’s S, my heart sunk a little but…’rah – it fits!  Thanks guys, it’s lovely! 🙂  Though how long it stays white for is anyone’s guess *grin*.


Three times a lady

Ok I’m back.  From outer space.  Well, from Tuscany anyway.  Where we enjoyed two weeks of consistent 35C+ sunshine, and I counted down the days until I’d be back on my bike again.  And don’t even try telling me rest is good for me *grin*.  As if to make sure I missed my bike properly, the darn things were everywhere!  You see they like riding over there.  A lot.  Which probably doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone.  Whenever we went anywhere, there they were, riding around in their inevitably matching sets of lycra, on their shiny carbon bikes.  Well they would be shiny, the last time it rained properly in the region was back in June, for about half an hour…  Easy to have a sparkling clean bike if it never gets dirty! *grin*.

As far as I can tell, there are two types of cyclists in Italy.  The dedicated roadies, who bring their shiny steeds blinking out into the light, cycle around seriously in the sunshine for a while, before returning home and stashing their thoroughbreds away unseen in garages, basements, bedrooms…  Never seen parked up, never seen anywhere other than under a pair of (frequently white!) shorts.  Helmets appear to be optional…possibly not bling enough?    Posing however is obligatory…even when not in lycra.  Dapper, no?

Then there’s the other sort – those riding their bikes to get around.  They park them up all over the place as and where since, considering the state they’re in, mostly in no-one would ever bother nicking ’em, and if that happened, they’d just pick up one of the others lying around and be on their merry way.  A motley crew, a mixed bunch; single speeds, fixies, sit up and begs, fold ups…all being used to get from A to B, to see the sights.  As modes of transport, rather than mobile gyms.  It’s kinda nice to see :).

Look closely.  Seen the lock?  No doubt massively ineffective, but kinda cute nonetheless! 🙂

Pisa. Not the leaning tower…but still Pisa.

Ok, ok, have the real thing…*grin*

And when they’ve had enough of their bikes, when there is no more to be wrung out of their rusty bells, they leave them parked up in quiet corners all over the place to decompose in peace…

In Florence you can hire bikes, in a perfectly purple shade.  Not that we did – but they did look very pretty lined up in serried ranks.

And two wheels are popular even when they’re not pedal powered…

After all the unfamiliar sunshine, all the pedestrian sightseeing, all that enforced resting, the time had come, the walrus said.   Time for a final supper and for a little more of the chilled white stuff.  Just the prolonged purgatory of Pisa airport, a short flight, and we were home again.

Which would bring us to today, and my long-awaited reunion with my bike.  T’was an ACG ride, that GB had kindly organised in my absence.  I was worried about it and looking forward to it at the same time.  How would I feel after two weeks off the bike?  How would 15C less than I was used to feel?  Is rest indeed good?  And…

…having done the low FODMAP thing, and removed anything of any interest or enjoyment from my diet (apart from white wine obviously), we appear to have established that at some level I have IBS.  Having (most of the time) eliminated the symptoms of that from the mix, it would also appear that I am doubly blessed, and in citrus fashion, IBS is not the only fruit.  What the other problem is remains to be seen – I’m being referred somewhere else – and in the meantime I’m working on pain management as and when I need it.  On top of all that, for those of you who may not have noticed, I’m a girl, and thus also blessed with the monthly trials and tribulations that go along with that.  Once, twice, three times a lady…  Well today my IBS was off on one, the stomach cramps were properly challenging, and it being the wrong time of the month seems to make the pain thing a whole heap worse too.  Ooh, lucky me…

When I arrived in the grey and muggy Square a little before 9:00am, GB was already there, and we were joined by Steve, Chris and Mike.  GB’s planned route included a great many hills.  I reserved judgement…as well as the right to bail if necessary – even if no-one believed me when I said that!   So we headed out.  Little ups to start, after warming up across the Levels.  Up around Westbury, but not all the way.  Up around Wookey, but not all the way.  It was clear by now that flat was fine, up was not.  Up seems to engage my stomach muscles which, considering everything else going on in that vicinity, is a really bad idea, as apparently it works like a domino effect, and sets the whole chain off.  We went up to Milton Hill, to the junction with Old Bristol Hill…and after some debate as to whether to go down to Wells and up a Horrington, or up Old Bristol Hill and then across, we went for the latter.  Well, we were already on that hill right?  So, up Old Bristol Hill.  All the way.  All the very long way up.  Come to think of it, the legs and engine actually felt ok, but OMG…talk about painful.  Enough to take your breath away, which is not useful at a time when oxygen intake is particularly important.  I did try riding up holding my left hand side, which helps a bit, but that’s not ideal either, since I like both hands on the handlebars!  It was a relief to reach the top, catch up with GB, and get my sangfroid back a little before the others joined us.  It was very clear that I wasn’t going to be going up much else by way of hills, whatever anyone else was doing.

However as I mentioned, flat was fine.  Lots of fine, and lots of fun, so I had a bit of a mad hurtle across the top of the Mendips.  GB was right on my wheel, and I didn’t realised the other three weren’t until he pointed it out, so we hung out at the next junction and waited for them.

Coffee was at the Rock Cafe Coffee Shop, where our group was the first to arrive, but we obviously started a trend as we weren’t on our own for long.  Very popular with cyclists up there, for good reason.  I can’t vouch for the food – surprise surprise – but my large Americano certainly did the job :).  Following the usual range of double entrendres, witty repartee and the like, it was time to stop sitting outside and to see how far we’d cooled down…

Layers were tricky today.  It was warmer than it looked but chilly until you got warmed up, and muggy once you were.  I was wearing my Maratona jersey & gilet to try and remind myself that not so long ago I could ride a bike.  Well, it was a looooong two weeks!  Anyway, the gilet is a bit heavier than my Cyclosport one, so I kept having to stop and take it off when it all got too much.

Horses for courses?  We were having another catch up break, where I stuffed the gilet again before the final dash for home, when we saw this.  Apparently he/she was worthy of a photo, and who am I to argue? 😉

This is Mike, waiting patiently, on his shiny new horse.  Steed.  Bike.  Whatever.  Very nice indeed :).  Hope I have mine soon too!  (It will, as you’ll hopefully soon see, carry on the current Italian theme).  By now it had brightened up a bit, making the final stretch of the ride far more enjoyable.

The stretch across the Mendips to the top of the Gorge is one of my favourites and there was some more silly hurtling along, mostly on my behalf.  Several times today we played crossover with today’s Wiggle Mendips Sportive route, and so had deliberately decided to head home down the Gorge to watch them all riding up it.  It may be juvenile, in fact it most definitely is, but I have to admit to having positively relished cheerily saying hello to them all slogging their way painfully up as we hurtled down, grinning massively.  Small things, my small mind 😉 *grin*.

From there it was the usual race for home down the bypass, although GB spared me the final spint for the Square when he cruises past me as if I’m standing still.  Mind you, he does have man flu, so it’s a miracle he was able to make the pedals go around at all ;).

Cycling time: 2:12:03 hrs
Distance: 35.11 miles
Avs: 16.0 mph.
ODO: 15182 miles

Bella says we did this.  Strava says that I managed to QOM 4 times – and I’m particularly proud of this one.  Still fast on the flat I see :).  All things considered, I think it was a pretty good ride, and once I’d warmed up it was lovely to be back on the bike again.  We were working well together, the bike seemed to be handling really well, and even the descent of the Gorge went better than sometimes.  I need to get a few more miles in this week, as I have the Sodbury Sportive next weekend, but I think it was a good start, and hopefully by then I’ll have things a bit more under control.

I have to apologise to the ACG for not having been the greatest company today, and also for not having been very good at the Group thing.  In my defence, with the painkillers not working, I think I was in search of endorphins to add to them or, failing that, some physical distraction at least.  I’m probably not that good to be around when I’m not well – so apologies guys :(.